Culprit plugins that cause performance or website issues

Based on various lists of leading providers like Kinsta and our own experience we have a list of plugins we discourage using.

SQL-Heavy Plugins

These plugins put a high strain on web servers due to the exorbitant number of SQL queries they create:

  • WP ULike
  • Adnow Plugin
  • Broken Link Checker
  • ImageInject
  • Leads
  • Page Visit Counter
  • Post Views Counter
  • Slimstat Analytics
  • TokenAd
  • Top 10
  • UserPro
  • WordPress Classifieds Plugin
  • WordPress Popular Posts
  • WP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware Scan
  • WP-PostViews
  • WP RSS Aggregator
  • WP Session Manager
  • WP Statistics

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